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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Vocab #7

1.Usually, shenanigans.
    a.mischief; prankishness: Halloween shenanigans.
    b.deceit; trickery.
2.a mischievous or deceitful trick, practice, etc.

1.the motion of an object or a projectile in rebounding or deflecting one or more times from the surface over which it is passing or against which it hits a glancing blow.
verb (used without object)
2.to move in this way, as a projectile.

1.division or disunion, especially into mutually opposed parties.
2.the parties so formed.
3.Ecclesiastical .
    a.a formal division within, or separation from, a church or religious body over some doctrinal                difference.
    b.the state of a sect or body formed by such division.
    c.the offense of causing or seeking to cause such a division.

verb (used with object)
1. to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid:

1.overabundance; excess: a plethora of advice and a paucity of assistance.
2.Pathology Archaic. a morbid condition due to excess of red corpuscles in the blood or increase in the quantity of blood.

1.overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor.
2.bubbling up like a boiling liquid.

1.excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters.
2.wordy or diffuse

1.a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe.
2.a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public gathering.
3.any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizing lecture or discourse.
verb (used with object)
4.to address in a harangue.
verb (used without object)
5.to deliver a harangue.

the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other:

1.subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
2.Obsolete . fanciful or witty.

1.talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: a loquacious dinner guest.
2.characterized by excessive talk; wordy

1.lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory: the ephemeral joys of childhood.
2.lasting but one day: an ephemeral flower.
3.anything short-lived, as certain insects.

1.not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
2.just begun; incipient.
3.not organized; lacking order: an inchoate mass of ideas on the subject.

verb (used with object), jux·ta·posed, jux·ta·pos·ing.
to place close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

1.having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning: to exhibit perspicacious judgment.
2.Archaic. having keen vision.

nonsense; rubbish.

noun, plural mun·gos.
a low-grade wool from felted rags or waste.

1.given to using long words.
2.(of a word) containing many syllables.
3.a sesquipedalian word.

adjective, won·ki·er, won·ki·est.
1.British Slang.
    a.shaky, groggy, or unsteady.
    b.unreliable; not trustworthy.
2.Slang. stupid; boring; unattractive.

1.Phonetics . an unsegmentable, gliding speech sound varying continuously in phonetic quality but held to be a single sound or phoneme and identified by its apparent beginning and ending sound, as the oi-  sound of toy  or boil.
2.a.a digraph, as the ea  of meat.
   b.a ligature, as æ.

verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
3.to diphthongize.

Credit to dictionary.com for providing the definitions.
Credit to Eli Esparza for taking the time to create the ending to our story and adding this week's vocabulary to the story.

I am glad that I left with everyone at the station because we have started on a great journey together. We have decided to go to the institute together. From there we would discover what happens next. The journey took 3 days to get there and we each took turns driving so that way there was no lost time.

Something very strange occurred when we arrived at the institute. There was nobody at the gate to let us in. I thought it was codswallop because you would think someone would be there. The minute we go out of the car Hingle Mcringleberry, Quatro Quatro, and Sequester Migriclle M.D. were up to there usual Shenanigans. We went inside the facility and discovered again that no one was there. In the office we saw that it was filled with sand and camel drawings. It took us several hours and then the Scholar finally figured out what the drawings meant. We were to find a camel and it will show us the way. In the back or the lot there were dozens of camels there and the minute we sat on one they took off towards the ocean. The ride was Ephemeral because we did not walk that far before we stopped at the ocean. We borrowed the boat that that was there and Quatro Quatro shot a gun and the bullet Ricochet the steal frame and put a hole in the boat. We had to think fast and decided to patch it with mungo. After going for about a week with no end in sight we reached land. When we got off the boat the camels just disappeared and we learned that we have reached are destination. The scholar had announced that we had arrived in Egypt.

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